Yvette Teeuwen
Live performance
“water_balance/// DIV(E)IN”
Think inside the box,
De Kaaij, Nijmegen 2022.
The art performances of Yvette Teeuwen (since 2008) are a search to touch the inner core of things, to dive deep inside and connect with the raw human creature.
Her art is explorative, nomadic, primordial, pre-futuristic, site-specific, connective and transformative: creating new sensitive forms of communication.
It has a message about re-connectiveness of authentic woman power, the purity of inner & outer nature and is an invitation for the other, the art public but also the stranger on the street, to get into a more sensified state of being.

Roland Farkas
Live Performance
”A Beszelgetes – The Conversation”
Kunst van hier tot
Ginder, 2022, Okkenbroek, Netherlands
installation, sculptures and performance, willow branches,
plastic, soil and textile.
Roland Farkas describes himself as a multi-disciplinary visual artist with a sculptural direction which also includes performance art. At this moment he studies fine art at ARTEZ.

Elky Rosa Gerritsen is een maker op het snijvlak van (fysiek)theater, performance art en beeldende kunst. Ze maakt fysiek zintuigelijke voorstellingen en performatieve installaties.

Danielle Brans is een interdisciplinaire kunstenaar met een focus op performance kunst. Haar werk richt zich vaak op de fysieke mogelijkheden en beperkingen van het menselijk lichaam.